Today I'm thankful for a slower day.
Our mornings have been beginning beautifully. My 3 year old climbs into bed when the sun comes up for a cuddle and asks for milkies. Now that my colostrum has come in she's enjoying nursing a few times a day once again. This cuddle time allows me to rest and awaken fully in a slow manner - which I cherish. I know my days of snuggling alone with her are numbered.
She asks to get dressed and go downstairs for "dinner" or "snacks" known to me as breakfast.
We get dressed and head downstairs where I make breakfast. This morning it was leftover barbecued zucchini with sauteed mushrooms and scrambled eggs and a piece of fruit. She asked for almond milk and I made myself a hot mug of chamomile tea. Along with my gazillion vitamins and water.
We sit at the table together and I read a Psalm and then she asks me to read from her storybook Bible. Today we read about God's promise to Abraham and Sarah that He would save the world through his family.
She told me her first memorized Bible verse from Romans: "Nothing can separate us from God's love."
And we sketched a list of things to do today.
We went into the backyard and did some gardening. Also known as pulling weeds - which is so much of gardening truly! Ugh - I despise weeds.
But getting down into the dirt, seeing the many insects that live and thrive in that rich soil, breathing the fresh air, thankful for the cloud cover keeping us cool, my daughter rolling in the grass and the quiet morning before all the air conditioning units disturb the silence, felt satisfying.
We came back inside and among the laundry, my little one painting with dot markers, wanting to trace, doing dishes and planning our dinner, I'm appreciating this slow day.
For lunch we had avocados, sausages, fruit and felt rejuvenated.
And I thought about how I want to finish this pregnancy strong. With just over 7 weeks (or so) to go, I want the foods I consume to nourish this rapidly growing baby. I want to cherish the time that I have alone with my 3 year old. I want to date my husband while it's a bit easier. And I want to appreciate these days where I'm tired but not so tired. These warm & beautiful final days of summer that I'll be wishing for in the cold of winter.
I want to finish strong.
And so I prepare for our September Whole 30 and prepare to share it with you, as a breastfeeding, pregnant mama entering the new routine of autumn. It can be done and the result will strengthen me, my family and this baby.