Friday, February 13, 2015

3 Years to 35

Inspired by my sweet friend Sarah Kay I've created a list of 105 things to do in 1095 days, or more generically these next 3 years until I turn 35 years old (whoa!)
Check out her amazing post (admission- many of her ideas I have copied! such great suggestions!)

105 Things in 1,095 Days
  1. Come up with a list of 105 things (February 13, 2015)
  2. Inspire someone to write their own list of 105 things
  3. Organize a family reunion
  4. Watch a friend’s child(ren) so they can have a few hours to just be
  5. Study Desperate: Hope for the mom who needs to breathe with a small group
  6. Sponsor a child
  7. Help Camille sponsor a child
  8. Send a surprise package to someone
  9. Teach Camille the 10-10-80 principle
  10. Use my massage gift certificate
  11. Create a genealogy tree
  12. Complete the Insanity 60 day challenge
  13. Begin writing a book
  14. Host a tea party (hats & all!)
  15. Host a costume party/masquerade
  16. Read my grandmother’s autobiography
  17. Remove all plastic from the kitchen
  18. Visit my mother-in-law
  19. Visit my father-in-law
  20. Visit my mom
  21. Learn to line-dry my clothes
  22. Visit a new National Park each year
  23. Speak at a conference/meeting
  24. Finish reading One Thousand Gifts
  25. Record 1000 gifts
  26. Read through the entire Bible
  27. Go wine tasting
  28. Listen to the entire Bible on CD
  29. Get away overnight with Wes
  30. Plan & save for our 10th Anniversary trip
  31. Start planning our 25th Anniversary trip
  32. Make & release a floating lantern
  33. Send snail mail (just because)
  34. Cry when I feel like crying
  35. Smile when I feel like crying
  36. Watch the sunset from the coast
  37. Watch the sunrise from the mountains
  38. Take an photography class
  39. Unplug completely for an entire day
  40. Organize all digital photos
  41. Fish in the ocean with my husband
  42. Memorize the book of James
  43. Sing in a band/worship team
  44. Sing Karaoke
  45. Go on a girl’s-only trip/retreat
  46. Have a girls night out
  47. Visit a National Park out of state
  48. Blog every week for one year
  49. Make 25 homeless kits to pass out on hand
  50. Go horseback riding
  51. Mentor someone
  52. Find a mentor
  53. Donate my hair (February 12, 2015)
  54. Invite someone to church
  55. Write a letter to someone who made a difference in my life
  56. Have a garage sale to clean out the house, and donate half the proceeds
  57. Surprise Wes with a day trip
  58. Take my husband to a concert
  59. Be in our forever home (or have a plan for it)
  60. Complete a triathlon (mini)
  61. Make a recipe box filled with my favorite recipes and/or handed down family recipes
  62. Make something to bring & deliver to a local nursing home
  63. Make & bring Bone Broth to a sick friend
  64. Say a prayer for someone I don’t necessarily agree with and/or like all that much
  65. Begin the day with a glass of water + lemon every day for 2 weeks
  66. WALK a half marathon with a friend
  67. Go on a family mission trip
  68. Paint master bedroom
  69. Paint girls’ room
  70. Build a Gingerbread House
  71. Do mommy ‘n me yoga with my girls
  72. Send flowers to my mom (just because)
  73. Send flowers to my mother-in-law (just because)
  74. Make a vision board
  75. Buy a house
  76. Fully tithe one paycheck 100%
  77. Serve a meal to homeless as a family
  78. Make my MIL’s famous noodles/Learn from her if possible
  79. Eat sardines
  80. For 7 days straight, begin the day by reading my Bible, followed by 5 minutes of meditation (before ever looking at my phone, turning on computer)
  81. Cut down our own Christmas tree
  82. Learn to sew/Use a sewing machine
  83. Grow a vegetable garden
  84. Write my autobiography
  85. Say “no” to something I typically say “yes” to
  86. Sleep in until 9am
  87. Homeschool
  88. Scrapbook/Birthday book to date for Camille
  89. Scrapbook/Birthday book to date for Daphne
  90. Kitchen de-clutter and organization
  91. Home office de-clutter and organization
  92. Girls’ room de-clutter and organization
  93. Master bedroom de-clutter and organization
  94. Begin an herb garden
  95. Get a pen pal
  96. Solo day/weekend getaway
  97. Avoid the scale for an entire year
  98. Begin Bible Study/church study Journal #1
  99. Teach someone to line dance
  100. Camp out in my backyard
  101. Make my own sushi
  102. Build a snowman
  103. Host Neighbors Table gathering
  104. Organize a block party
  105. Simplify/Purge each family members wardrobe
  Here's to 35! Then on to 40!

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