Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Breaking Free

I'm beginning a journey through the Breaking Free series by Beth Moore. I'm going to use my blog as a place to journal thoughts, write quotations and see where God works.
So first things first! A definition of captivity:
A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for her.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Alternative living...

For two weeks now I have been in the Word daily...sadly, yes, it's been awhile since I've been consistent and yet God is never-changing and so very faithful! I am so excited to share how God has been speaking to me these last two weeks....now that I'm actually listening. How much have I been missing out by not spending time with Him?
Our local church body is doing a series on Alternative Lifestyle and indeed has God been challenging me to such! For one, He is calling me to unity. It is through unity that the world will see and believe that Jesus is God and that He loves them, so says the Word.
Unfortunately I have not been promoting unity for quite a few years now. :( Ever since my dad got married 7 years ago I have not been accepting of his wife's children. Rather I have been seeking justification in my choice to view them as invaders, unwanted in my life and family and my choice to treat them with disdain and little regard. :( So sad...
Well God has basically been saying 'enough of this' for awhile, but I haven't been listening. He's pretty much done with it and I am tired of fighting. Plus I want God's fullness! He promises His fullness for those who are willing to mature and stop acting like infants!
Whew! Having an infant, I can relate! She is ALL about instant gratification, no patience and no regard for the interests of others. And no one expects her to - she's an infant!
Well, at 28 years old it's high time I stop acting like an infant and mature!
SO - alternative lifestyle is that which involves me accepting and even loving my step-family. The world doesn't expect this of me. For the man that my mom is marrying later this year, I must be accepting and loving. For the man that my mother-in-law married suddenly last year, I must be accepting and loving. For my father-in-law's live-in girlfriend, I must be accepting and loving. And most of all, for my step-brother and step-sister, I must be accepting and loving.
God, give me Your eyes to see them? Accept them into my family. Love them and seek the interests of others above my own.
Unity. The world doesn't expect unity out of a broken family such as mine. Such as my husband's.
The world doesn't expect me to allow these people to be aunties, uncles, and grandparents to my daughter.
The world would completely understand if I shunned them from my life - put up walls around my little family and limited my love to only those I deem "worthy".
But Jesus asks more. Those to whom much has been given, much will be expected.
I'm amazed at God's love for me - even though I directly hurt Him and turned my back on Him and sought other lovers.
Have these people done things to hurt me? Some, yes. But not to the extent that I have hurt God. And yet He forgives me, extends His grace to me and draws me near as His beloved.
Oh Lord, please give me that same love for others.